Price per troy ounce (LBMA) - $2,688.85
Price per gram (CBR) - 8 355.90 ₽

"Kopylovskoye" deposit
gold mining project


VITIM ZOLOTOY COMPANY specializes in the management and development of projects in the gold mining industry. Currently, the company is actively developing a project for the ore gold mining at the Kopylovskoye deposit with total estimated gold reserves of over 15 tons. The Kopylovskoye deposit was acquired from the world-famous exploration company Kopy Goldfields AB (Sweden). The explored reserves of the Kopylovskoye deposit - 10.4 tons of gold (7.5 tons of C1 + C2 categories were explored and put on the state balance and 2.9 tons of P1 category with an average gold grade of 3.22 g/t). The launch of gold mining in industrial volumes is scheduled for the beginning of 2024.


Reserves P2.

The gold industry of the Lena gold province is historically based on alluvial gold mining. Only in the 60s of the 20th century, intensive searches and further exploration of ore gold deposits began in the region. This led to the discovery of such giant deposits as Sukhoi Log, Vysochaishy and others.
The Kopylovskoye deposit was discovered by the Bodaibo geological expedition in 1970. In the period 1971 - 1973, prospecting and evaluation were carried out at the deposit using a complex of geological, geophysical and geochemical studies (geologist V.V. Kotkin, 1971, 1973). Large volumes of production and drilling of wells were carried out.
At the first stage, using traditional exploration technology, the reserves of the Kopylovskoye deposit were estimated at 11 tons of category P2.

5 tons C1+C2.

Later, exploration for the study of the Kopylovskoye deposit was carried out by the Ugryum-Reka company in 1999-2004. The exploration project was approved in accordance with the established procedure and received a positive conclusion of the state expertise (order No. 23 of 25.01.2002).
The report with the reserves assessment was prepared on the basis of the completed geological exploration and was protected by the State Commission (protocol No. 655 of 27.12.2004).
The reserves were estimated according to the parameters, the feasibility study of which for the Kopylovsky gold deposit was compiled on the basis of the results of geological exploration carried out by the company in 1999-2004, (protocol No. 654 of 20.12.2004, I.A. Poletaev, I.M. Aksenov, Y.V. Bokunov, 2004). In 2004, gold reserves of C1 + C2 categories were registered on the state balance - 4,979 kg with an average grade of 3.4 g/t.

7,5 tons C1+C2.

In 2005, additional exploration work was carried out at the deposit. The results of exploration work are reflected in the «Report on the results of exploration work carried out in 2005» (I.M. Aksenov, 2005). The gold reserves of the Kopylovskoye deposit, taking into account exploration in 2005, amounted to C1 + C2 category - 7,451.3 kg with an average grade of 3.22 g/t.

Kopy Goldfields.

In 2006, Kopy Goldfields (the company is registered on Nasdaq First North Stockholm) acquired the Kopylovskoye deposit. The company's geologists have prepared a comprehensive program of additional exploration work. The program focused on the study of mineralization at depth and outside the contour of proven reserves.
In 2012, the independent engineering company Geoprognoz assessed the reserves of the deposit based on the results of exploration work performed by geological exploration. Additionally, 10 ore bodies with balance and off-balance reserves were identified. The balance reserves increasing of the Kopylovsky deposit amounted to 651.6 kg with an average gold content of 3.1 g/t.
The total amount of C2 category off-balance reserves at the Kopylovskoye deposit amounted to 2,235.9 kg with an average gold grade of 1.153 g/t. The entire work process was carried out under the supervision of the American company SRK Consulting Inc. with the participation of specialists from offices in North America.

2019 - present.

VITIM ZOLOTOY acquires the Kopylovskoye deposit from Kopy Goldfields AB. Our company has developed, updated and approved all necessary permits and technical documentation in state authorities. We have carried out a number of necessary measures directly at the deposit, which make it by possible to launch the gold mining process in industrial volumes.


Deposit panorama
Satellite image of the deposit
Technical water reserves
Quartz vein
Gross sampling from the ore warehouse
Sampling of ore tailings
Large gold samples
Large gold samples
Large gold samples
Large gold samples
Gold nuggets
Gold nuggets
Gold nugget
Gold nuggets
Fine gold samples
Gold concentrate
Gold concentrate smelting
Gold concentrate smelting
Smelted doré bar
Smelted doré bar


119334, Moscow, Vavilova str, 5, bld. 3